The purpose of this activity was to increase my grade 9 students’ scientific literacy and research skills. I was finding that an increasing number of my students weren’t able to apply critical thinking skills to things like astrology and make an informed, scientific opinion about the quality of the evidence presented when they were presented with an area of pseudoscience or a product “claim.”
Related Resources:
Plastics Assignment
Categories: Lab/Student Activity
The purpose of this project was to study the Organics unit with the big picture of plastics in mind. The connection to everyday life would be minds-on the the rest of the unit. I had students write... read more
Water Wonder
Categories: Lab/Student Activity, Lesson Plan, Unit Plan
This unit focuses on students' approach to water and how it is a part of people's lives. Teachers can observe students' construction with manipulatives and scaffold their knowledge by posing... read more
It’s a Marshmallow World (Kindergarten)
Categories: Lesson Plan
This fun, inquiry-based lesson focuses on fine-motor and STEAM skills. This lesson works well in congruence with learning about shapes and counting. Learners may work through this activity... read more