Students survey what lives in their area and decide, based on physical and structural characteristics, what would be champions of adaptability. They then create the team of animals which they believe has the best adaptations to be the ultimate super hero survival team.
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Costs and Benefits of Exploring Space
Categories: Lab/Student Activity, Lesson Plan, Unit Plan
Note: This resource is part of the STAO Grade Six Space Unit User Guide. Click here to access the parent resource. Costs and Benefits of Exploring Space Unit Curriculum and Assessment... read more
Teacher Demo/Student Activity: Conductor vs. Insulator
Categories: Lab/Student Activity, Teacher Demonstration
In this demo, a polyethylene strip is charged by rubbing with wool. The strip is then used to test what happens to the flow of charge when the strip is placed in contact with a conductor (iron nail)... read more
Categories: Lab/Student Activity, Lesson Plan
The students and teacher will go for a walk in the schoolyard or community, looking for different forms of energy (sun, wind, gas, electrical, food). This will be a shared experience that will become... read more