This unit plan, Wild Rice Integration, introduces a multi-grade (1-3) cross-curricular approach to teaching students about Wild Rice-Manoomin – a cultural symbol and essential staple in a sacred way of life. Sustainability is an indigenous practice of not taking more than you need and giving back.
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Super Structures!
Categories: Lab/Student Activity, Lesson Plan, Unit Plan
This unit focuses on students' approach to building with various materials. Teachers can observe students' construction with manipulatives and scaffold their knowledge by posing problem-based... read more
Categories: General Interest, Lab/Student Activity
This science project is designed to encourage students to apply basic science skills in a creative and productive manner. Participants are encouraged to identify a need or to solve a problem by... read more
Teacher Demo/Student Activity: Transpiration
Categories: Lab/Student Activity, Teacher Demonstration
Xylem and phloem tissues make up the "circulatory" system of a plant. The xylem tissues transport water from the roots to all of the other living tissues, while the phloem tissues transport sugars... read more