In this inquiry project, students will explore the basic process of osmosis and capillary action through an investigation that will mimic the process through biomimicry. Students will relate their knowledge and build a sub-irrigation planter, or vertical planter, and surrounding trellis.
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Categories: Lab/Student Activity
Students work in small groups to design, build, and test a speedboat powered by a hand-made propeller that pushes air. The boats are raced in a 20-foot length of eavestrough filled with water. A set... read more
Student Activity: Diaper Dissection
Categories: Lab/Student Activity
This activity introduces students to a consumer product that has many different types of polymers. Students will dissect a disposable diaper and take note of different types of polymers used in this... read more
The Curious Naturalist
Categories: Lab/Student Activity
This inquiry resource package on the environment for ELKP is designed to assist teachers in planning an inquiry-based learning opportunity. This resource outline is to be supplemented with learning... read more