From learning to earning, skilled trades graduates are in high demand

From learning to earning, skilled trades graduates are in high demand

Submitted by Michael Frankfort @mfrank_76 From learning to earning, skilled trades graduates are in high demand Click HERE for access to the full article. Author of the article: Karen Paton-Evans: Postmedia Content Works Published Feb 06, 2023  •  Last updated Feb 06,...
Know Brainers – Overcoming Fear!

Know Brainers – Overcoming Fear!

Submitted by Michael Frankfort @mfrank_76 Know Brainers – Overcoming fear – Monsters! Deadly heights! Basic swimming! Click HERE or any of the photos for a link to the YouTube video! Monica from Know Brainers has been afraid of one thing their entire life –...
Coaching The Destreamers

Coaching The Destreamers

Submitted by STAO Member Brad Dixon @TeachingMrDixon Guelph CVI, Destreaming Coach, Minor Head of Science, Math and Science Teacher Upper Grand District School Board @ugdsb Over the last year, I’ve had the opportunity to not only teach grade 9 destreamed, but...
Ceiling Periodic Table

Ceiling Periodic Table

Submitted by Michael Frankfort @mfrank_76 By Sean Michael Ragan Click HERE for link to the article. Decorating the ceiling with a periodic table is a popular high school science activity, and when Scott Byrum noticed that the acoustic tiles in his newly-renovated...