Students will investigate chemical reactions and their uses through a series of inquiry based activities where they will develop their understanding of acids and bases and how they react.
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Grappling with Controversial Issues Using Google Forms And Polleverywhere
Categories: Lab/Student Activity, Lesson Plan
In the Cells, Tissues, Organs, and Organ Systems unit in grade 10, there are many exciting issues that are often in the news. There is much exciting new research, such as primate cloning or gene... read more
Teacher Demo/Student Activity: Potato Osmosis
Categories: Lab/Student Activity, Teacher Demonstration
Osmosis is the process by which the concentrations of two solutions, separated by a selectively permeable membrane, equalize by the movement of a solvent such as water. This demonstration shows that... read more
Categories: Lab/Student Activity
Teacher and students will go on several nature walks in order to conduct a detailed inquiry into snails, their habitat, basic needs, and benefits to humans and the environment. Research will be... read more