by msander | Feb 15, 2019 | Gr 1-3 Science & Tech, Gr 4-6 Science & Tech
Reveal the science behind sprouting seeds and water conservation. Nothing compares to eating fresh vegetables picked right out of the garden! But, what’s happening out of sight in the soil of that garden? Here are two plant-growing activities you can do anytime of the...
by msander | Feb 14, 2019 | All Science Teachers
A bioengineering student is using his fourth colorful prosthetic made from Legos. The 19-year-old’s dream is to build affordable prosthetics. Source: Teen born without forearm builds working robotic Lego arm Thanks for sharing Kris!!!!!!!!!!!
by msander | Feb 13, 2019 | Gr. 11-12 Chemistry, Teaching Strategies
I’ve written about incentivizing students as a way towards engagement. I recently hit upon a great idea — a real brain wave. AP Chemistry students completed a challenging lab where they carried out (and analyzed) a bunch of redox reactions. Afterwards, we had a...
by msander | Feb 10, 2019 | Gr 9-10 Science, Gr. 11-12 Chemistry, Teaching Strategies
Remind allows teachers to send messages to students and parents regarding upcoming assignments, meetings, events, and activities. This application also permits teachers to check which students have read their messages. Messages can be sent to individuals, to a...
by msander | Feb 7, 2019 | All Science Teachers
Scientists from NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration have declared 2018 the fourth warmest year on record. It ranks behind 2016, 2017 and 2015, respectively. And it’s only going to get warmer from here, they predict. Source: 2018 was the...
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