This inquiry resource package on sound for ELKP is designed to assist teachers in planning for an inquiry-based learning opportunity. This resource outline is to be sublimated with learning objects that your own class has presented in their interest of sound: where does sound come from, how can we make different kinds of sound? The time required and the direction of the inquiry-based learning activity will depend on the time that you can allocate to the learning activity, students prior knowledge, skill, and level of interest.
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The Spinning Bucket Experiment
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Author: Matthew Cole, Don Galbraith Award winner, Nipissing University The focus of this lesson plan is to allow the students to discover the effects of the centripetal force through an inquiry... read more
Teacher Demo or Activity: Pop Rocks - What a Gas!
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Categories: Lab/Student Activity, Lesson Plan, Unit Plan
This unit plan asks the overarching question: how does our increasing understanding of genetics impact our personal decisions and choices? The unit is divided into the following subsections: 1.... read more