In this inquiry activity, students will explore energy and resource conservation. They will conduct an experiment exploring how changing one habit will reduce the use of energy or resources in their home or classroom. They will also look at leisure time activities and Rube Goldberg machines, and design an invention which transforms energy in numerous ways.
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Connecting with the Natural World Junior Division Integrated Curriculum
Categories: General Interest, Lab/Student Activity, Lesson Plan
This resource has been developed by the Science Teachers' Association of Ontario/L'Association des professeur de sciences de l'Ontario with funding and technical support from Ontario Teacher's... read more
Student Activity: Predators in Control
Categories: Lab/Student Activity
Predator–prey relationships are one of the most important biotic relationships in the sustainability of an ecosystem. Predators are the natural controls in an ecosystem, limiting the size of a prey... read more
Student Activity: Using Parallax: How Far is that Star?
Categories: Lab/Student Activity
Since the distances to the stars cannot be measured directly, astronomers use a variety of techniques including triangulation and parallax, comparison of absolute and apparent magnitude, and Cepheid... read more