This inquiry resource package on the environment for ELKP is designed to assist teachers in planning an inquiry-based learning opportunity. This resource outline is to be supplemented with learning objects that your own class has presented in their discovery learning around the topic of the environment, life cycles, and stewardship, and how they can make a difference since we are all connected. The time required and the direction of the inquiry-based learning activity will depend on the time that you can allocate to the learning activity, students’ prior knowledge, skills, and level of interest.
Related Resources:
Categories: General Interest, Lab/Student Activity
The Wonder Wall fosters a community of wonder in an inquiry-based classroom. A prominent section of a classroom wall is devoted to the children’s questions. All questions are respected by being... read more
Unraveling the Earth
Categories: Lab/Student Activity, Lesson Plan, Unit Plan
This unit focuses on students' approach to earth elements (sand, soil, rocks, minerals, and fossils) with various materials. Teachers can observe students with earth elements and manipulatives to... read more
Lets get Series(ous) Circuits
Categories: Lab/Student Activity, Lesson Plan
This student activity gives students the opportunity to predict, both on paper and through building series circuits, what will happen to current and voltage in different scenarios. read more