Written by Nicole Preddie, Don Galbraith Award Winner 2020-21, OSIE University of Toronto This two-period lesson plan for Grade 9 Academic Science consists of a minds-on activity, five student activities, and a consolidation project. This lesson will also provide students with an opportunity to make a connection between humans’ ecosystems and food webs, as well […]
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Categories: Lab/Student Activity, Lesson Plan
In this lab, students will design a simple burglar alarm circuit that will demonstrate how an electric circuit works and how electric current flows through electrical wires. read more
Formative Assessment for the Cell Cycle Using EdPuzzle
Categories: Lab/Student Activity
This activity uses the EdPuzzle platform to assess students understanding of the cell cycle. The students will watch a video through EdPuzzle that has a series of questions embedded in it. They will... read more
Teacher Demo/Student Activity: Conductor vs. Insulator
Categories: Lab/Student Activity, Teacher Demonstration
In this demo, a polyethylene strip is charged by rubbing with wool. The strip is then used to test what happens to the flow of charge when the strip is placed in contact with a conductor (iron nail)... read more