Written by Elissa Constantin, Don Galbraith Award Winner 2020-21, Tyndale University In this lesson plan students will explore the following questions: Could it be detrimental for the environment to allow naturally caused fires in national parks to burn to their natural end? How could human activities and natural occurrences contribute to droughts? What could happen […]
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Categories: Lab/Student Activity, Lesson Plan
In this activity, students learn about engineering design by constructing elastic powered cars from everyday materials that can travel in a straight line for a distance of at least 3 meters within a... read more
Facebook Science Multimedia Presentation
Categories: General Interest, Lab/Student Activity
Inquiry activity that is directed towards the interests of the students. Students will pick a topic (link to facebook page with ideas included). They will present a multi media presentation to the... read more
Scratch Circuits Coding (SNC1W)
Categories: Lesson Plan
In this lesson, students are learning how to name and identify the function essential components of currents and the standardized symbols used in circuit diagrams. In addition, students will develop... read more