This inquiry resource package on animals for ELKP is designed to assist teachers in planning an inquiry-based learning opportunity. The outline is infused with learning objects that your own class has presented in their discovery learning around the topic of animals, our connection to animals, animal life cycles, and the ethics of animals living in a zoo. The time required and the direction of the inquiry-based learning activity will depend on the time that you can allocate to the learning activity, students’ prior knowledge, skill, and level of interest.
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Student Activity: Writing Secret Messages - Teflon Tape
Categories: Lab/Student Activity
By examining the properties of plumberÕs tape (also known as Teflon Tape) in a fun and engaging secret message context, students will draw conclusions about the structure of Teflon (PTFE Ð... read more
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Students will be creating a water documentary on a water initiative the students develop. They are placed in small groups based on their common desire. They delve into the major water issues of the... read more
Student Activity: Predators in Control
Categories: Lab/Student Activity
Predator–prey relationships are one of the most important biotic relationships in the sustainability of an ecosystem. Predators are the natural controls in an ecosystem, limiting the size of a prey... read more