
I Got It Off Google Images…

I Got It Off Google Images…

Submitted by Michael Frankfort   I Got It Off Google Images… By Mark Anderson (January 15, 2017) - Click HERE for full article I often ask teachers if they use Google Images for the pictures they use in the resources they make for the classroom. The majority...

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What is a Super Buck Moon? July 3, 2023.

What is a Super Buck Moon? July 3, 2023.

Submitted by Michael Frankfort @mfrank_76 What is a Super Buck Moon? Please click HERE for a link to the original article. ABC News Photo Illustration Things are heating up, so feel the fireworks and soak up the power of the full supermoon moon this July. Take...

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How Stuff Works? Sewing Machines

How Stuff Works? Sewing Machines

Submitted by Michael Frankfort @mfrank_76 How Sewing Machines Work By: Tom Harris Please click HERE for a link to the full article. A standard electric sewing machine is an amazing piece of technology. MICHAEL HAEGELE / GETTY IMAGES ­Without the sewing machine, the...

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Kaprekar’s Constant

Kaprekar’s Constant

Submitted by Michael Frankfort @mfrank_76 Kaprekar’s Constant Click HERE for a link to the main page. Take any four digit number (whose digits are not all identical), and do the following: Rearrange the string of digits to form the largest and smallest 4-digit numbers...

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