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The Science Teachers’ Association of Ontario will hold an Annual Meeting of the Members on Saturday, February 1, 2025 at 11:00 am by Zoom.
All active STAO Members are invited to participate in the AGM by Zoom. If you are unsure of your membership status, please verify your status by logging into your STAO account here.
In order to participate, members MUST pre-register. A link to the registration page will be sent directly to your email. If you have questions about your membership status or do not receive an invitation to register, please email
1. Welcome
2. Approval of agenda
3. Review and Approval of minutes of the January 20th, 2023 Annual General Meeting
4. President’s report
5. Executive Director’s report
6. Auditor’s report and consideration of financial statements for the 2023-2024 fiscal year
7. Appointment of the auditor
8. Special business: Overview of the transition under the ONCA
9. Special Resolution to approve the filing of the Articles with the Ontario Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery (the “Ministry”).
Be it resolved that:
The Corporation is authorized to add or amend, as applicable, its minimum and maximum number of directors, dissolution clause and special provisions by filing the Articles with the Ministry.
Said Articles, being in the form submitted to the Members, are approved.
Any two (2) Directors, or any one (1) Officer together with any one (1) Director, are authorized and directed to: (a) do, execute and perform all acts, documents and instruments necessary or desirable to give full force and effect to the foregoing, including, without limitation, the execution and delivery of the Articles and all other required documents to the Ministry; and (b) make any technical changes in the Articles as may be required by the Ministry, with no requirement for the Board of Directors or Members to approve such changes.
10. Special Resolution confirming Bylaw No. 2024-1
Be it resolved that:
Bylaw No. 2024-1 is confirmed as a bylaw of the Corporation.
Any two (2) Directors, or any one (1) Officer together with any one (1) Director of the Corporation, are authorized to sign the Bylaw.
11. Election of Directors and Officers
12. Questions and Other Business
13. Adjournment
Members NOT able to attend the virtual meeting on February 1, 2025 are able to vote by proxy between January 23, 2025 at 12:01 am and January 30, 2025 at 5:00 pm. Proxy voting is when a member who cannot or does not want to go to a members’ meeting lets the nonprofit know that someone else will go to the meeting and vote on their behalf. You may delegate your proxy vote to the Chair or another member in attendance at the meeting.
Download the Proxy Form.
Complete the Proxy Form. Name the person who will act as your proxy. You may choose the Chair or another member who will be in attendance at the AGM.
Indicate your direction for voting on all of the elections and resolutions. Please do not leave any items blank. Please remember that an abstention does not count as a vote cast.
Sign your proxy form. Proxy forms that are not signed will not be accepted.
Submit your Proxy form between January 23rd and January 30th at 5 pm using the PROXY GOOGLE FORM. (Please note, the form opens on January 23rd at 12:01 am and closes on January 30th @ 5pm)
NOTE: If you plan to be in attendance at the AGM, please do NOT submit a Proxy Form. You will vote by a show of hands or poll during the AGM.
At the AGM on February 1, 2025, STAO members will have the opportunity to elect candidates to fill the vacant positions on the board.
A list of all candidates and the positions they are running for are listed below. We invite you to read their bios before you cast your vote.
Read Candidate Bios
Vote By Proxy
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