This webinar discussed how tech tools can make teaching easier and better without having to spend all of our time learning how to use them. The group shared the best of the best for team-building, teaching, and assessment. Tech tools such as Peardeck, EduFlow, Breakout Room Jamboards, Google Science Journal, Digital Escape Games, Kahoot, ScreenRecording, […]
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How to Teach Science in a Covid-19 Environment in various Instructional Models in Canada
Categories: General Interest
Presentation date: August 11, 2020 Flinn has developed a framework from various educational and health authorities that will provide guidance on teaching Science and STEM. This webinar explored... read more
Streaming in Ontario
Categories: General Interest
by Stella Kim In July 2020, the Ontario Ministry of Education made the announcement that it would be ending the practice of academic streaming in Grade 9 in Ontario (source). This change has begun... read more
Categories: General Interest, Lesson Plan
By allowing students the opportunity to collect raw data, make observations, question, reason and critically analyse, I feel we are bringing real science into the class. To begin, students' prior... read more