This resource about climate change discusses how promoting responsible ‘earth’ behaviour means encouraging a ‘sense of wonder’ in our children, exposing our youth to the natural wonders of the world. It offers tips for science teachers across grades on how to create successful outdoor experiences for students.
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STAO Microscale Science Project
Categories: General Interest
In science, hands-on activities are always desirable, particularly when these are real time, actual experimentation, not just virtual simulations. This conflicts with our current reality: budget... read more
Science Spotlight: Giidaakunadaad Nancy Rowe
Categories: General Interest
This Science Spotlight highlights the work of Giidaakunadaad Nancy Rowe as a Consultant in the field of Environmental Science. It discusses how her Indigenous knowledge informs her work in... read more
Categories: General Interest, Lab/Student Activity
There are now many ways to create blogs for students. Some schools are using EDSBY where groups can be made and internally a blog can be formed within the school. Public and free programs such as... read more