
Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society (CMOS) is hosting a virtual event to be held on Friday, June 4, 2021 at the virtual 55th CMOS Congress:   This year Educators’ Day will focus on ‘Teachers and Others involved in childhood...

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Best of Chem Ed Conference

Best of Chem Ed Conference

Hi Chemistry Educators! Thank you for signing up and joining our ever-growing community of nearly 1,000 interested participants! The Best of ChemEd sessions are now posted on the University of Guelph’s ChemEd website. Join us this summer for this free three-day...

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Birthday Stars – submitted by Kris Lee

Birthday Stars – submitted by Kris Lee

Astronomers measure distances to the stars in terms of light years, units that combine time and distance. One light year is the distance light travels in one year; so if you look at a star ten light years from Earth, the light you see from it left ten years ago and is...

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