
OTF Summer Institutes for Teachers

OTF Summer Institutes for Teachers

  The OTF Summer Institutes, with the support of the Ministry of Education, are back. These three-day institutes give teachers the time to learn, reflect on classroom practice, and collaborate with peers. STAO is presenting the workshops described below as part...

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When is water safe to drink? – TED-Ed by Mia Nacamulli

When is water safe to drink? – TED-Ed by Mia Nacamulli Water is refreshing, hydrating, and invaluable to your survival. But clean water remains a precious and often scarce commodity – there are nearly 800 million people who still don’t have regular access to it. Why is that? And how can you...

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Which is Worse For You: Sugar or Fat?

Which is Worse For You: Sugar or Fat? For decades, we’ve heard how terrible fat is for us, but more recently, sugar has become the new villain. What does the science actually say about these two macronutrients and how they affect our health? Hosted by: Olivia Gordon

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The Cheerios Effect

The Cheerios Effect Ever notice how cereal clumps up in your bowl, or how cereal sticks to the edges of the bowl? Bubbles in beverages do the same thing.You've probably seen this surface tension and buoyancy at work, but did you know there's some mind-blowing...

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Plastics 101 | National Geographic

Plastics 101 | National Geographic Once a completely natural product, much of today's plastic is man-made and largely dependent upon fossil fuels. From polymers to nurdles, learn how plastic is created and what we can do to slow the lasting repercussions this material will...

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