
Water Is WAY Weirder Than We Thought

Water Is WAY Weirder Than We Thought Water is one of the most abundant and important substances on Earth, so you think we'd know everything there is to know about it. But it turns out water is way weirder, and it often behaves in ways that leave scientists with more questions...

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HOW DOES COVID-19 AFFECT THE BODY? Coronaviruses (CoV) are a family of viruses that cause sicknesses like the common cold, as well as more severe diseases, such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome. A novel coronavirus (nCoV) is a new...

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How Ancient Ice Proves Climate Change Is Real

How Ancient Ice Proves Climate Change Is Real Earth’s climate is changing in a big way, and it’s because there's more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere than at any point in our species’ history. But Earth’s climate has changed before. How do we know that this time we’re the cause? We...

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Elementary Particles – submitted by Joe Strever

Elementary Particles – submitted by Joe Strever

In grade 12 university physics course, elementary particles in quantum theory are mentioned. However, a survey of elementary particles listed on the internet can give the impression that there are fewer particles than are actually required by the Standard Model. There...

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Chem Draw Online – submitted by Natalia Arbouzova

Chem Draw Online – submitted by Natalia Arbouzova

ChemDraw is an amazing structure drawing package available online for free.  One can draw from scratch using atom, bond, ring and group tools – perfect for students. or one can load a structural formula from the existing list – saves teacher's time. there're also tons...

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