#SkillsIDG2021 #jifcompétences2021
Skills Ontario @skillsontario is presenting a special FREE virtual stop-motion animation workshop International Day of The Girl taking place on Monday October 11 from 1:00-2:00 pm EST (registration is required). For registration and other information please visit the website above
Part 1 of the Series – International Day of the Girl Challenges
*No registration required
October 4th – 8th, 2021: Calling all girls!!! Skills Ontario would like to show the world what you can do! We are challenging girls to try out activities relating to the five skilled trade and technology sectors: Motive Power: Sail Cars Challenge,
Industrial: Popsicle Stick Playground Challenge, Service: Fashion Design Challenge, Construction: Marshmallow Towers Challenge, and Technology: Coding Challenge.
Part 2 of the Series – International Day of the Girl Workshop. Monday, October 11th, 2021: 1:00pm
Please note this event takes place on the Thanksgiving holiday. This activity requires registration and is free to participate in. Skills Ontario is excited to be offering an Animation Workshop for the family! Participants will have the opportunity to learn and work through foundational skills using Google Slides (or PowerPoint) to create a short video. Come and create a short animation using skills that can be applied to all future projects! Target Audience: Grades 6 -8.
Please note, younger students are welcome, but may require a parent/guardian or older sibling to assist with some of the steps throughout the workshop.
Part 3 of the Series – International Day of the Girl Celebration Event: For Girls, By Girls. Friday, October 8th, 2021: 10:00am – 10:40am Classes (teachers/students) can watch the Premiere Event, featuring a Live Chat, during the AM showing; and
Friday, October 8th, 2021: 6:30pm – 7:10pm Parents/Guardians/Families can watch a BONUS showing of the event in the evening. This activity requires registration and is free to participate in.
#skillsontario #skills #trades #skillsandtrades #skilledtrades #stopmotionanimation
Visit skillsontario.com/young-womens-initiatives. For more information.
Available in French and English!