Safety FAQ
Science Safety Administrative Procedures
Science Safety Administrative Procedures Click HERE to take you to the STAO Website. This document is an example of an administrative procedure for science departments for use by boards in Ontario. The purpose of this document is to help boards compare their current...
Unearthing Knowledge: Why Science Teachers Should Explore Modern Mining
Unearthing Knowledge: Why Science Teachers Should Explore Modern Mining An Interview with STAO Member Rob Millard It’s no secret that teachers love a great summer adventure, especially when it involves learning and professional growth. In August, Joanne Sallay,...
Let’s Talk Science / Parlons Sciences – Keynote Speaker / Conférencier Principal: Bonnie Schmidt
STAO is thrilled to have Dr. Bonnie Schmidt, President and Founder of Let’s Talk Science, as the Keynote Speaker for the upcoming STAO Ignites Conference on November 13, 2024. Dr. Schmidt has been a transformative figure in Canadian science education, launching Let’s...
Submitted by Michael Frankfort @mfrank_76 SciTechOntario The 2022 Ontario Elementary Science and Technology Curriculum resources, created by Ontario Certified Teachers in collaboration with STAO, OCTE, and ACSE, aim to support educators with the implementation of the...
Deer Fawn Facts
Submitted by Michael Frankfort @mfrank_76 Click HERE for a link to the original article Photo Credit Pexels White-tailed deer fawns are often seen alone in fields or forests, but they are typically not orphaned. After mating in the fall, female deer (does) give birth...
What is the Aurora? Answering questions about this astronomical phenomenon!
Submitted by Michael Frankfort @mfrank_76 Click HERE for a link to the original article from Discover The Universe Daniella Morrone The article discusses the Aurora Borealis, also known as the Northern Lights, which were visible...
Wear red and green to experience the Purkinje effect during the total solar eclipse
Submitted by Michael Frankfort @mfrank_76 Click HERE for a link to the original article. During a total solar eclipse, the Purkinje effect can be observed, where colors appear differently due to changes in light levels. This effect, first noted by Jan Evangelista...
Niagara region declares state of emergency out of caution ahead of rare eclipse
Submitted by Michael Frankfort @mfrank_76 Click HERE for original article. The Niagara region in Canada has declared a state of emergency in anticipation of a rare total solar eclipse on April 8. This proactive measure, announced by Regional Chair Jim Bradley, aims to...
Watch Eclipse 2024 on April 8 from Anywhere in the World
Submitted by Michael Frankfort @mfrank_76 Please click HERE for the original article. Eclipse 2024 will occur on April 8, and the Dunlap Institute for Astronomy & Astrophysics is offering a comprehensive livestream for those outside the path of totality or...
Ontario Science Centre – Curriculum Resources / Ressources Pour Le Curriculum
Submitted by Samantha Hendricks & Michael Frankfort @mfrank_76 Discover new lesson plan ideas for grades K-8! Get ready for the new school year with our curriculum resources, each of which includes a video presentation, lesson plan, slide deck and engaging STEM...
Safety Resources from the Council of State Science Supervisors
This site has an excellent collection of safety resources for both elementary and secondary. Here's a description of the resource from the site: Lab safety is of paramount importance. Whether students are making sense of phenomena or designing solutions in a...
COVID-19 Precautions for the Science Classroom – compiled by STAO/APSO
Hands-on activities are integral to science education. Continuing to provide these valuable learning experiences in these uncertain times poses several unique challenges and obstacles that the safety-minded science teacher must overcome. The following documents,...