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Lab/Student Activity, Lesson Plan
Students are guided through a case study used to introduce the IOU inquiry process (making Inferences from Observations based on Understanding) used in Problem Based Learning (PBL). Opportunity for formative assessment of both process skills and content knowledge is... read more
General Interest, Lab/Student Activity
PowToon is a technology tool that enables students to create engaging and animated videos using class content. This resource will demonstrate how PowToon can be used as an assessment for learning tool in the chemistry unit in grade 9 science. Other Resources:... read more
Lab/Student Activity, Lesson Plan, Unit Plan
In this inquiry-based unit, the students will learn that conserving and protecting our water supply is crucial after they research the biodiversity of a specific ecosystem and discover that water is necessary for biodiversity and biodiversity is necessary for the... read more
General Interest
Assessment for, as, and of learning can all be done while learning outside. The primary purpose of assessment and evaluation is to improve student learning (Ontario Science and Technology Curriculum grades 1-8, 2007, p. 21). Since inquiry-based and experiential-based... read more
Teacher Demonstration
This demonstration shows how water can affect the growth of bread mould. read more
Lab/Student Activity, Lesson Plan, Unit Plan
This unit plan, Wild Rice Integration, introduces a multi-grade (4-8) cross-curricular approach to teaching students about Wild Rice-Manoomin – a cultural symbol and essential staple in a sacred way of life. Sustainability is an indigenous practice of not taking... read more
Lab/Student Activity, Lesson Plan
Through a series of explorations involving the use of Indigenous stories, students will learn about the importance of plants and their relationship with us and the natural environment. By deepening their understanding and appreciation of the natural world, students... read more
Lab/Student Activity, Teacher Demonstration
Food labels often contain the word “fortified”. This means that one or more ingredients have been added that are not normally found in that food item. The purpose is to increase the amount of that mineral or nutrient to serve a dietary purpose. Table salt... read more
Lab/Student Activity, Teacher Demonstration
This demonstration/activity involves the safe production of oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon dioxide gases, as well as the appropriate results for tests used to identify these gases. read more
Lab/Student Activity, Teacher Demonstration
In this activity, students mix a given quantity of salt with a fixed volume of water. Mass and volume measurements are made before and after mixing to determine if these quantities change. Students observe that mass is conserved during dissolving while volume is... read more