Human Organ Systems – Grade 5

Writwittertten by Emerson Jones. 

What an innovative way to teach the human organ systems to your grade 5 students by utilizing the social media program Twitter.

This activity is designed a Twitter Assignment and can be used as a Summative assessment.  It is comprised of three parts: The Twitter page, written description of assigned Organ System, and a quiz that each group must write for the rest of the class.  A master quiz will be created by the teacher utilizing questions developed by the students themselves.  This jigsaw style of learning enables students to become “experts” on one particular system, while receiving the rest of the information from their peer “experts.”  It also should be noted, that as a culminating activity, the concepts will have been covered prior, ensuring that the students do learn what is expected of them.

Couresty of Patrick J Lynch

Couresty of Patrick J Lynch


This assignment lends itself well to cross-curricular lessons like art (template design), literacy (for written portion), or health. Click on the following link for the complete assignment.

The Human Organ System

Emerson Jones is a 2014 Galbraith Science Education Award recipient.
