Countdown to Inspiring Innovation STAO2014

STAO2014_5Whether you are a veteran or a newbie teacher, attending the STA02014 conference will undoubtedly be the highlight of your professional learning year. It will inspire you to transform thinking and learning practices in the classroom. This year, the emphasis is on science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education. There will be sessions on using technology-enhanced learning in a hyper-connected age: the future of digital, mobile and socially-networked learning; BYOD implementation ideas, cloud computing uses, blended learning environments, and much more. Will Richardson is the plenary speaker, with a different presentation each day.

Elementary Extravaganza!!!

A unique additional event, ‘The Elementary Extravaganza’ will occur on Saturday, dedicated to elementary science & technology teachers. Save the date. We look forward to seeing you in November. See the STAO 2014 conference webpage for more details!.

Conference co-chairs:  Stephanie Grant and Raquel Carlow 

stephanie and racquel
