
Isolating DNA from Fruits – Flinn Scientific Canada

In this activity, lysing the cell wall of a piece of fruit is accomplished by quickly blending or smashing the fruit. Salt is added to the filtered fruit solution to coalesce (combine) the DNA strands that have been freed from the nucleus. Detergent is added to the...

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Magnetic slime

Magnetic slime

Making slime out of glue and borax is a awesome... But with a simple addition of iron filings, you can make slime that is attracted to a magnetic field! Be sure to subscribe and check out more videos! Subscribe: Facebook:...

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Chemistry Life Hacks: Food Edition

Chemistry Life Hacks: Food Edition Reactions is back with another round of chemistry life hacks. Our latest episode brings chemistry to the kitchen, and features science-backed tips to cook rice with fewer calories, get extra juicy chicken (when you don't have time to...

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The genius of Marie Curie – Shohini Ghose

The genius of Marie Curie – Shohini Ghose Marie Skłodowska Curie’s revolutionary research laid the groundwork for our understanding of physics and chemistry, blazing trails in oncology, technology, medicine, and nuclear physics, to name a few. But what did she actually do? Shohini...

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NEW Gravitational Wave Discovery!

NEW Gravitational Wave Discovery! Scientists have JUST published this new observation. On January 4th, 2017 they detected the merger of two black holes 3 billion light-years away. This marks the furthest detection they've been able to make and increases confidence that...

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Sandwich Bag Fire Starter

Sandwich Bag Fire Starter Grant Thompson - the King of Random - teaches me how to start a fire with a Sandwich bag. And we tried to melt glass in my backyard: Check out his channel: The intensity of sunlight on Earth is...

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Using Parallax: How Far is that Star?

Using Parallax: How Far is that Star?

Introduction Since the distances to the stars cannot be measured directly, astronomers use a variety of techniques including triangulation and parallax, comparison of absolute and apparent magnitude, and Cepheid variables. Triangulation is an indirect method of...

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Teacher Demo: Greenhouse Effect

Teacher Demo: Greenhouse Effect

Introduction This demo demonstrates the greenhouse effect by comparing the air temperature of a room with the air temperature inside a clear plastic bag containing black construction paper. The bag models the Earth’s atmosphere and the black construction paper models...

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Candy Chromatography – The Lab by Steve Spangler

Candy Chromatography – The Lab by Steve Spangler

Have you ever wondered how candies get their different colors or how many dyes make a black jellybean? Candies come in all shapes and sizes. You might find spheres in all the colors of the rainbow or find tiny discs that are colored brown or white. But, do you know...

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