
The surprising cause of stomach ulcers – TED Ed

The surprising cause of stomach ulcers – TED Ed It’s a common misconception that stomach ulcers are caused by emotional upset, psychological distress, or spicy food. Yet no convincing study has ever demonstrated that these factors directly cause ulcer disease. So what does cause stomach...

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Lab Glassware Care -Flinn Scientific Canada

Lab Glassware Care -Flinn Scientific Canada

Lab Glassware Care Basic Tips for Safety & Savings Glassware used in research and teaching laboratories is often designed for specific functions. However, the intricate and delicate designs can render glassware easily breakable, reducing durability.  For this...

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What EXACTLY is a Bond?

What EXACTLY is a Bond? In basic chemistry, they tell you there are only a few types of bonds between atoms. Not only is this false, but putting bonds into categories can be dangerous... for your understanding.

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Home “Toxic” Home – Student Assignment

Home “Toxic” Home – Student Assignment

Chemical products are useful, but have negative effects on our health and the environment. There are many environmentally friendly alternatives to chemical products that can reduce the exposure of toxins.Our homes and communities are filled with hidden chemical...

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