
Hand Warmer Science – Instant Hot Ice by Steve Spangler

Hand Warmer Science – Instant Hot Ice by Steve Spangler There’s nothing like a good hand warmer in your glove when you’re skiing. But how do they work? Our science guy Steve Spangler uncovers the science secret that makes your hand warmer work. Contact Steve Spangler at

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STAOBlog Needs Your Ideas

STAOBlog Needs Your Ideas

Got a great science teaching idea? Consider sharing it on STAOBlog.  Suitable ideas include: a lab or demo a link to a great YouTube video your students loved a summary or link to a teaching strategy that has worked well for you All submissions must be safe, free of...

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Can 100% renewable energy power the world? – TED Ed

Can 100% renewable energy power the world? – TED Ed Every year, the world uses 35 billion barrels of oil. This massive scale of fossil fuel dependence pollutes the earth, and it won’t last forever. On the other hand, we have abundant sun, water and wind, which are all renewable energy...

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Water Pollution – Student Chemistry Project

Water Pollution – Student Chemistry Project

Critical Inquiry Question: How do different compounds contribute to water pollution? Critical Challenge:  Taking the role of a water safety advocate, prepare a presentation to city council that will rank the pollution threat of a poultry farm, a textiles plant and a...

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How Do Hand Sanitizers Work?

How Do Hand Sanitizers Work? The labels always read, "Kills 99.99% of Germs!" but does the science of hand sanitizers back it up? Today we're taking a closer look at what this goo is made of, and just how effective it really is against viruses and bacteria. Find us on...

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The Last Time the Globe Warmed

The Last Time the Globe Warmed Imagine an enormous, lush rainforest teeming with the Arctic. Well there was a time -- and not too long ago -- when the world warmed more than any human has ever seen. (So far) Produced in collaboration with PBS Digital Studios:...

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Inside an ICE CAVE! – Nature’s Most Beautiful Blue

Inside an ICE CAVE! – Nature’s Most Beautiful Blue

Where do glaciers and icebergs get their beautiful blue color? This unique blue might be nature’s most brilliant, and the color arises in a very special way thanks to some surprising interactions between light and water molecules. Who knew physics could be so...

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Why Can’t You Bring Mercury Thermometers on Planes?

Why Can’t You Bring Mercury Thermometers on Planes? Mercury thermometers are handy and useful, but they could be extremely dangerous to bring on planes. We're conducting a survey of our viewers! If you have time, please give us feedback: Hosted by:...

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The Rise of HIV

The Rise of HIV In the first video in our two part series on HIV and AIDS, we explain how scientists figured out what HIV is, when the infection morphs into AIDS, and where they think the virus originated. We're conducting a survey of our viewers! If you...

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How Does Glassblowing Work?

How Does Glassblowing Work? If you’ve ever tapped a screen to send a tweet, opted for the bottled soda because it tastes better, or drooled over art glass in a gallery, then your life has been changed for the better by the transparent yet durable combination of sand...

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