
Sugar Crystal Ornaments – Sick Science! #220

Sugar Crystal Ornaments – Sick Science! #220

Sugar is delicious, sweet and… perfect for creating colorful, beautiful ornaments? This holiday season, grab a bag of Imperial Sugar or Dixie Crystals granulated sugar and mix yourself a supersaturated solution. Don’t know how to make a supersaturated solution? We’ll...

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’Twas the Night Before Christmas: Chemistry Style

’Twas the Night Before Christmas: Chemistry Style

‘Twas the night before Christmas, The lab was quite still; Not a Bunsen was burning (Nor had they the will). The test tubes were placed In their racks with great care, In hopes Father Chemistry Soon would be there. The students were sleeping So sound in their dorms,...

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STEAM Horizon Awards

STEAM Horizon Awards

Founded in 2016, the STEAM Horizon Awards invite Canada’s youth to promote positive changes throughout their community using science, technology, engineering, arts, and math (STEAM). Source: STEAM Horizon Awards

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Biology Safety Notes from Flinn Scientific Canada

Biology Safety Notes from Flinn Scientific Canada

Autoclave, Bleach or Biohazard Bag? Biology, microbiology and biochemistry labs may generate wastes that must be managed as potentially infectious, biohazardous or regulated medical waste. Review all guidelines and essential equipment needed for the sterilization and...

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Christmas Tree Safety – Cool Science Demonstration

Christmas Tree Safety – Cool Science Demonstration   There's nothing like the fresh smell of a real tree, but real trees can also pose a serious fire hazard if the tree accidentally dries out. Steve Spangler shares a "television-only" science demonstration with firefighters in a...

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Health and Safety Video Contest

Health and Safety Video Contest

  Click on the image or here for more details.  Overview Workers who are new to a job are three times more likely to be injured during the first month on the job than more experienced workers. The It’s Your Job student video contest is put on by the Ministry of...

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By MICHELLE TERRA-ALLEN. The focus of this assignment is to have students direct their own learning to discover the purposeful use of pneumatics and hydraulics and how to incorporate technology to create a useful and stable design. Students were provided a background...

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Bouncing with Momentum – Flinn Scientific Canada

Bouncing with Momentum – Flinn Scientific Canada

Introduction The collision of objects is a great way to demonstrate the conservation of momentum. Engage students by having them drop and collide toy balls of different mass and size. The results may be surprising! This inquiry-based activity will really get your...

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Why Don’t Fire Hydrants Freeze and Explode?

Why Don’t Fire Hydrants Freeze and Explode? Pipes can freeze in the winter, but you never hear about fire hydrants freezing. What makes them safe from the cold temperatures in winter time? SciShow Finds: Click here to go to the source for more info

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