
Sloppy Food Science

Sloppy Food Science He was the king of food psychology, even influencing how American schools offer lunches to their students. So why has Dr. Brian Wansink fallen from grace? And what lessons can we learn about how scientific research should be conducted? And...

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Why Do We Itch?

Why Do We Itch? It’s one of the most annoying sensations our bodies can feel, but does anything feel better than when you scratch an itch? Ok, maybe *some* things. But itching and scratching are up there. How does this weird sensation work? And what is...

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Body Invaders | National Geographic

Body Invaders | National Geographic A parasitic wasp has injected her eggs into a caterpillar -- and now they're ready to hatch. In the Womb: Extreme Animals : ➡ Subscribe: About National Geographic:...

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Singing Tube Demonstration – Flinn Scientific Canada

Singing Tube Demonstration – Flinn Scientific Canada

Mysteriously play an organ pipe without an organ! This demonstration uses heated air to produce vibrations inside a long tube. The vibrations, in turn, produce standing sound waves with a unique tone, or timbre (ta˘mʹ br)—the same concept that produces sound from an...

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