
Sample Science Safety Contract from Flinn

Sample Science Safety Contract from Flinn

Science is a hands-on laboratory class. You will be doing many laboratory activities that require the use of hazardous chemicals. Safety in the science classroom is the #1 priority for students, teachers and parents. To ensure a safe science classroom, a list of rules...

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How UV Causes Cancer and Aging

How UV Causes Cancer and Aging UV at ground level is non-ionizing but it damages DNA and causes photoaging - how? Also, it turns out glass doesn't block all UV (specifically UVA passes through). This is something I learned filming with the UV camera inside. Special...

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New Resources from Perimeter Institute

New Resources from Perimeter Institute

Perimeter has just launched three new resources in English and French – all available free online. Evidence for Climate Change (grade 10) Wave Model Applications (grade 11) A Deeper Understanding of Energy (grade 11) Source: Get your September going! ��

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