
Drowning in plastic – submitted by Peter Cudmore

Drowning in plastic – submitted by Peter Cudmore

Visualising the world’s addiction to plastic bottles. Around the world, almost 1 million plastic bottles are purchased every minute. Click on the source below to see the visualization. Source: Drowning in plastic Thanks for sharing Peter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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7 Scientific Urban Legends Debunked!

7 Scientific Urban Legends Debunked!

It sounds like such an incredible fact. “Our own cells are outnumbered by our microbes 10 to 1!” I don’t remember where I first heard it. But I read it in science papers and articles by journalists, so I believed it without question. I even made one of my first videos...

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Making Liquid Nitrogen From Scratch! – Veritasium

Making Liquid Nitrogen From Scratch! – Veritasium

Making liquid nitrogen is hard - in fact up until 150 years ago scientists doubted whether it was even possible to liquefy nitrogen. In 1823, At the royal institution in London, Michael Faraday first produced liquid chlorine, kind of accidentally by putting it under...

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Why Don’t Birds Lay Square Eggs?

Why Don’t Birds Lay Square Eggs? What is ”egg-shaped” even? I used to think it was the shape of a chicken egg. Then one day I saw a collection of eggs from lots of different bird species, and I realized just how many different kind of egg shapes there really are! I had to...

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