ChemEd XChange – submitted by Dave Gervais

online chem

ChemEd XChange is an interactive website created for high school and college teachers and is managed by the American Chemical Society (ACS). Teachers can share their classroom experiences, lab activities, and presentation materials specific to chemistry. An ACS membership is not necessary to access, participate in discussions, or make comments about articles.

If you are trying to develop teaching strategies, or are looking to replace a lab with one that will produce consistent results, then this site will connect you with an excellent peer group. There are on-line video tutorials, reading assignments and assignments that involve practice problems.

The following link will take you to a Chem Ed X site. At this link, teachers share resources they have created to assist in on-line learning during this COVID crisis.

Link to ChemEd Xchange 

Dave Gervais

Chair Safety Committee STAO

Thanks for sharing Dave!







