Written by Nawal Dib, Récipiendaire du prix Don Galbraith 2024, University d’Ottawa Les buts de cette leçon sont d’explorer la transmission culturelle autochtone entre générations, d’éclairer les élèves sur la relation des autochtones avec l’environnement naturel, d’Inciter à l’action en faveur de l’environnement, et d’inspirer les élèves à l’action positive. Ce projet interdisciplinaire relie les […]
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Student Activity: The Destructive Nature of Acid Rain
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Burning fossil fuels releases carbon dioxide, CO2(g), which contributes to the greenhouse effect and hence to climate change. Burning some fossil fuels also releases nitrogen oxides and sulfur... read more
Categories: Lab/Student Activity
In this inquiry, students will complete a four-part inquiry about biodegradable plastics. They will research and plan they type of plastic they would like to make, make and test the plastic, and... read more
Teacher Demo/Student Activity: Conductor vs. Insulator
Categories: Lab/Student Activity, Teacher Demonstration
In this demo, a polyethylene strip is charged by rubbing with wool. The strip is then used to test what happens to the flow of charge when the strip is placed in contact with a conductor (iron nail)... read more