Relay Education is offering free Green Careers or Climate Change and Renewables virtual workshops for schools in the GTA.
The Green Collar Careers workshop ( focuses on connecting students’ passions and interests with potential jobs in the green economy.
The Climate Change and Renewables workshop ( discusses climate change in the context of impacts across different regions in Canada, and demonstrates the mitigation efforts that renewable energy technologies offer through interactive experiments.
The workshops are suitable for any high school grade level and fit well within subjects that explore careers, climate change, or science and technology. For the 2020/2021 school year, we are offering the following delivery options:
Virtual Workshop: By using various teleconferencing formats, our facilitators present to your class virtually. Students can either be in school, at home, or a combination. Using a wide range of devices, students interact with the workshops by using Pear Deck to answer questions, make predictions and complete polls. (Duration=~60-70 min)
Teacher DIY Workshop*: We share a slideshow presentation with a script and educational resources, in order to deliver the presentation yourself. (Duration=60-70min) *Green Collar Careers only
You can register for these workshops here: I’m happy to answer any questions you may have or to provide more info about the workshop content.
Andrew Cahill | Green Careers Officer Relay Education |
Thanks Leila!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!