Images from a Cell Phone Camera – submitted by Dave Gervais

This is an image of an insect taken from a Huawei p 30 pro cell phone camera. When I compare that to images that I took in 1978 using a really good dissecting microscope with an optical camera, this is incredible. I could easily take these images and identify this insect using a good dichotomous key.

The cost for this cell phone camera is comparable to that of a good dissecting microscope attached with an optical camera, around $ 1400 dollars. Either just with the cell phone, or equipped with the hand held circular motion free tripod, this device could greatly improve field trip images without the need to take specimens back to the lab. What a great purchase for a science department!


Question:   Can you identify this insect from the banks of the Ottawa River?  Send your answers to, attention safety committee. Answer will be posted next week.

Dave Gervais

Chair STAO Safety Committee



Thanks for the submission Dave !

